Tag Archive for medicine

Small is Beautiful

Traditional vaccines take a long time to produce in large amounts no matter if they are ‘tamed’ live-vaccines or
dead-microbe vaccines. This is a particular problem when epidemics emerge suddenly.

Ladies Only

One has become increasingly aware of the potential harms of screening mammography, while remaining cognizant that much of the drop in breast cancer mortality is due to advances in treatment.

Emerging Diseases

Whilst it is inevitable that new infectious illnesses emerge all the time, mankind does its share to spread them more rapidly with its modern means of transport like the examples above teach us. But apart from that we have to prepare for known illnesses emerging in new populations because of the illness travelling itself. The African West Nile Virus is believed to have been spread nearly all over the world via an infected bird or mosquito entering the United States less than two decades ago. It mainly infects birds and kills them. It causes severe illness in humans, most patients however recover eventually.

Mother Nature Is Good!

Everybody is afraid of Cholesterol. This fear is fuelled by recommendations of professional, medical associations to consume less than 300mg daily. Because chicken eggs are high in cholesterol, about 200mg each, patients with high cholesterol are commonly advised to avoid eating them. However, the association between egg consumption and cardiovascular disease is unclear. A meta-analysis of 17 good quality prospective studies with up to 20 years of duration assessed this association.

Extremes In Medicine

Medicine, or let’s say the functioning and malfunctioning of human bodies and minds still remains fascinating for me. There is more to it than cholesterol, blood pressure, PSA and mammography; it’s like an old chest in the attic.