August 17, 2015 marked the introduction of new European rules (regulation 650/2012), that introduced a number of important developments in inheritance law, which will be applicable in the European Union (with the exception of the UK, Ireland and Denmark)
Tag Archive for lawyer
New Fiscal Reform 2015
by Maria Teresa Velasco •
2015 will be a year of change from a fiscal point of view. While there will be many fiscal reductions, there are areas where taxation rates will increase. Below is an overview of these changes
Lawyer Charged for Bawling Out Policemen
by Martin Myall •
A lawyer in Granada thought it a good wheeze to berate two policeman over their fining the driver of the car in which she was travelling.
The new Spanish Patent law
by Maria Teresa Velasco •
The government recently approved a new law with the objective of improving the present patent law system that has been in force since 1986 (law 11/1986.)
Spanish Fiscal reform 2015
by Maria Teresa Velasco •
Spanish Fiscal reform 2015 and its impact on Capital Gain tax
Claiming Back Spanish Inheritance Tax
by Maria Teresa Velasco •
Claiming Back Spanish inheritance Tax for non-residents.
On September 3rd 2014, the EU court of justice ruled a judgment C-127/12 against Spain.
Now You See It; Now You Don’t
by Martin Myall •
In March 2011 Almuñécar’s then Mayor, Juan Carlos Benavides erected a plaque in honour of a lawyer – suddenly, it’s gone!
Spanish Fiscal Reform 2014
by Maria Teresa Velasco •
On the 20th June 2014 the government published a draft for a package of fiscal reforms intended to decrease the level of fiscal pressure on the Spanish economy. The general level of income tax will be lowered, both for companies and individuals, however as many tax allowances are to be abolished, there will be situations where this new law will effectively increase fiscal pressure.
Non-resident Tax on Unmovable Property
by Maria Teresa Velasco •
Non Residents in Spain owning a property in Spain are like in most countries subject to taxes. In most cases the taxes related to a property that a non-resident will have to pay are less than what a resident would pay. Here is brief outline of what non-residents are expected to pay.
The New Spanish Law on Private Security 2014
by Maria Teresa Velasco •
The new law 5/2014 of the 4th of April on private security (in Spanish Ley 5/2014, de 4 de abril, de Seguridad Privada) will take effect on the 4th of June 2014 and is already generating a lot of criticism. It is an update of the law 23/1992 of the 30 of July regulating the usage of private security firms and the behaviour of their employees. This law has a very wide range of applications; covering private guards services (the guards that for example work in Banks and shopping malls), private detectives, alarm and video security systems companies, IT security firms and bodyguards.