In legal terms Due Diligence is the process of factual and legal investigation, research, analysis and discovery, on a business, person or asset before the signing of a contract, the signing of public documents or the purchase of an asset.
Tag Archive for land registry
More on Jete Eviction
by Martin Myall •
Following a request from Andrew Eastwood on our facebook page concerning the Jete eviction, here are some clarifying details.
Controversial Eviction in Jete
by Martin Myall •
Around 500 people gathered in Jete yesterday to try to prevent the eviction of six families, but to no avail. When you take into account the entire population of the village doesn’t reach, 800, that’s quite a turn out.
Dubious Coffee!
by Martin Myall •
OK, we all know that the Northern Europeans and North Americans make horrible coffee, and if you want decent coffee, you have to go to Spain or Italy, but there is one place in Spain where the coffee tastes like piss…