Tag Archive for energy

Gas Price Capped

Starting from the 14th of this month the price of electricty will begin to come down as the EU has given the green light to put a cap on gas.

Energetic Velez Benaudalla

The Delegate for the Environment, Francisco Tarifa, had visited the rubbish processing plant in Velez Benaudalla, where he announced that the installations would generate enough electricity to supply 4,500 homes.

Casa Técnica

Did you know you can benefit from energy efficiency grants? Well, the European Union and the Junta de Andalucia offer subsidices for all Biomass Heating and Solar hot water, with up to 60% of the cost for nearly all thermal solar systems that are used for the heating of sanitary hot water, heating pools, as well as for Biomass stoves and boilers.

Casa Técnica

The Ed dragged me in to see the guys at Casa Técnica recently… I say dragged, because I was expecting to be bored by miles of pipes and wires along with explanations about the technology where I would nod knowingly after each sentence having understood little or nothing. However, Erhard is, I am pleased to…

Aircon Time!

It’s that time of year again, so have you been serviced lately? Well, all air conditioning systems should be serviced every six months, although most people choose to have theirs serviced annually, and for domestic use this is acceptable. However, for commercial units, you really should be sticking to the 6-month rule.