Tag Archive for Castel de Ferro

Castell Race for AECC

The Provincial Council and the Town Hall have organised a race for all ages with the aim of raising funds for the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC).

Costa Tropical Hotel Blues?

The 13th of August was the only day, so far, that hotels on the Costa Tropical were 100% full – campsites, however, have been full on the last two weekends at least.

Cucumber Mountain

Anybody that strolled onto the beach at Carchuna would probably have done a double back flip, as we did, when they came across the incredible amount of discarded cucumbers on the beach… but we’re not talking about the odd slice left over from a cucumber sandwich, nor the peelings from a salad, but the 25 million kilos of surplus cucumbers that were dumped in protest.