Tag Archive for autovias

Tolls on Autovías?

It’s a sensitive time to announce that you will have to start paying for using autovías, so close to the General Elections, which is why Madrid back peddled.

Autovías & Tolls

Within a few weeks we could see a modification to how we use roads in Spain as it appears that the Government is bringing forwards pay-to-use autovias.

Faster Autovías; Slower Roads

The previous Government reduced the maximum speed on the nation’s autovìas from 120 to 110 kph, but it was it soon revoked. Now the present Government has decided to raise to 130 kph on certain stretches.

Toll Roads and Death Toll

The head of the DGT (Department of Transport), María Seguí, is worried that the recent decision to put toll booths on hitherto free-to-use autovias will push the accident rate up.