House News

News about the Seaside Gazette itself

Obit: Marianne Lindahl

Our beautiful, multi-talented and quick-witted Marianne passed away after a short illness in Helsinki, Finland on December 11th, 2017.

Merry Christmas

On behalf of the Gazette Team and all our advertisers, we would like to wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

December PDF Now Available

The December 2017 Seaside Gazette is now available in PDF format for downloading for those who have still not opted for the 10-euros voucher and to have it send directly by email.

The 8001st Article

Yesterday we reached the 8,000-article mark with the article on the Motril police and their seatbelt safety campaign, which is the second milestone this summer.

September PDF for Downloading

First of all, we apologise for the late appearance of the September PDF. This is due to Martin having been away in the UK and Dave being left holding the fort.