Calabré Demolition Discord

Almuñécar Town Hall complained that the closed-down Chiringuito Calabré was demolished without their permission by the provincial offices of the Central Government has responded.

This provincial authority (Costas) has jurdisdiction over the Granada shoreline, up to 500 metres from the shore inland; i.e., beaches and in some urban areas (Paseo del Altillo, for example).

Costas in response replied tht on the 4th of September this year they informed the Town Hall of the demolition that was going to take place. Anytime since then the Town Hall could have officially rejected the planned demolition, but they didn’t despite Costas bringing up the subject on further occasions after the said date.

The qualified entity to sign this demolition on a building that illegally occupies Dominio Público Marítimo Terrestre is the Director General of Costas, and no municipal authorisation is required.

El Calabré existed in a precarious administrative state beteen 1965 and 2022, according to Costas. Furthermore, it was not possible to change the use of the building; hence its demoliton.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andaluci)

Keywords: Calabre, Chiringuito, Demolition, Costas, Town Hall, Authority, Illegal Building

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