Whilst all eyes on the Costa Tropical were on the fire behind La Herradura and Almuñécar, the Infoca provincial units had to deal with a fire in Dúrcal and another in Fornes, which is near the Bermejales Reservoir.
As we have covered Dúrcal fire, which looked to have reached the bases of the giant wind generators (Valcaire Wind Park) on Cerro Gordo, consuming 90 hectares, the Fornes fire was a different matter.
Thankfully Infoca firefighters had the help of the city of Granada municipal fire service to tackle this fire that started around 15.00h on Wednesday on abandoned agricultural land, which lies very close to the wooded areas that surround the area.
Thanks to the rapid response of the firefighting units, the fire was prevented from extenting higher up and it was declared as out by early evening.
These fires (Almuñécar, Dúrcal & Fornes) together with a fire in Maracena on wasteland which the local fire service were able to deal with, made the 14th of August the day with most simultaneous fires in one day, so far this summer.
The thing is that the number of aircraft assigned to each provincial command of Infoca can get very stretched when aircraft are racing between different fires, water sources and refuelling.
(News: Almuñécar/Dúrcal/Fornes, Costa Tropical, Valle de Lecrín,Poniente, Granada, Andalucia)