Almuñécar vs Its Lawyers

Almuñécar Town Hall has submitted an appeal against a court sentence brought against them by their own law firm.

The Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Andalucía (TSJA) found on the side of the plaintiffs Rafael Revelles SLP and has ordered Almuñécar Town Hall to pay them 2.7m euros, plus IVA in outstanding representation bills.

This lawyers firm, which employs around 20 staff, has a track record of winning court cases for the Town Hall.

According to the court sentence the Town Hall neglected to pay the fees for around 300 cases but according to the law firm the real number is 521.  Furthermore, it is not the first law firm that has had to sue the Town Hall to get its bills paid – there have been four others.

Rafael Revelles SPU has tried around 10 times to reach some sort of arrangement with Mayor Herrera administration, even by slashing the amount owed by half but such an accord was not forthcoming.

A financial-expert’s report submitted by the law firm, which was accepted by the Town Hall as accurate, puts the sum at almost double the amount for which they took the ayuntamiento to court. Furthermore, Rafael Revelles SPU submitted 27,000 written pages, several thousand, attached document sheets and some 200,000 sheets pertaining to administrative files.

They also presented witnesses such as the ex-Mayor, head of internal legal advice and several ex-Town Hall auditors.

Finally, during the 14 years that they were hired by the Town Hall to handle their legal matters, the firm managed to save Almuñécar 90 of the 100m euros faced in legal battles.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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