Guadix The Most Popular

Guadix was declared the most popular tourist attraction in the province of Granada in a recent study based on Google searches.

GRA Guadix the most Popular

This was a nation-wide study carried out by the online travel site, Musement and only included municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants, hence none of the city tourist attractions like Granada (Alhambra), Sevilla (Giralda) or Córdoba (Mezquita) being considered.

The sentence they were looking for was “Qué ver en…” followed by the name of each municipality under 20,000 inhabitants and the most hits were for Guadix.

Musement considers that this popularity is a manifestation of the surge in rural tourism, and the town’s ample historic background, monuments, etc. Furthermore, Guadix is considered the European Capital of cave dwellings, with its 2,000 inhabited cave houses..

In case the accompanying photo is too small to make out the writing within it, the other provinces of Andalucía go like this: Osuna (Sevilla), Frigiliana (Málaga), Setenil de las Bodegas (Cádiz), Rute (Córdoba), Mojácar (Almería), Cazorla (Jaén) and Aracena (Huelva).

(News: Guadix, Altiplano, Granada, Andalucia)

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