Almuñécar Distributes Masks

SPN Surgical MasksAlmuñécar Town Hall is going to distribute 20,000 surgical masks via the post office, the Mayor announced.

Yesterday, Mayor Trinidad Herrera, and the Post Master for the local Post Office, Francisca Aragón, sealed a deal in which these masks will be delivered to households in the “next few days.”

“We have been trying for a while to buy masks for our citizens,·she explained, adding that it had been complicated because there had been none on them market.

She also said that the Town Hall would persist in demanding virus tests because in their opinion no winding down of the quarantine without testing on a massive level was practical.

She concluded by saying that the Policía Local would continue to control the entrances to town to impede people moving into their secondary residences until it is permitted.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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