Cortijada Shoot Out

SPN Policia NacionalA man was hospitalised in Motril with a bullet wound after a shoot out following a group of armed individuals entering onto cortijo farmland.

This wasn’t a robbery carried out on a normal cortijo (single dwelling) but on one where there was an illegal marihuana plantation. In fact, it wasn’t a cortijo but a cortijada (a hamlet or small number of closely grouped cortijos).

It appears that a gang of armed men approached the buildings not expecting anybody to be present but there was somebody on guard…and armed, who opened fire without hitting anybody.

However, return fire resulted in his being hit and ending up in hospital seriously injured, although his condition has improved and his life is no longer in danger. Furthermore, although he is a victim, he is also under arrest owing the illegal crop that he was guarding and being in possession of an illegal firearm.

The Policía Nacional are carrying out investigations to track down the other people involved in the shoot out.

Normally, in cases like this where both parties in a confrontation are rival gangs, nobody is going to talk and the police wouldn’t get wind of it. However, in this particular case somebody was wounded and is in hospital under guard and an illegal plantation has been discovered.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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