The Motril Councillor for the Economy and Taxes has reminded local taxpayers that they are due from the 1st of February.
You have until the 2nd of April to pay your local taxes, if you don’t want to pay a surcharge.
If you haven’t received a bill through your letterbox, then you can request a copy from the Oficina de Atención al Contribuyente, which is located in Plaza de la Libertad. You or your fiscal representative will have to show the taxpayer’s DNI or a photocopy of it. You can pay through branches of the BMN-Bankia, BBVA and Caja Rural de Granada.
If you fail to meet the 2nd of April deadline then there will be a surcharge of five percent up to the 2nd of May, which is when the surcharge goes up to 20%, plus interest and procedural costs.
If you have your local taxes paid via direct debit, they will come out of your account on the 1st of March
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)