Motril Harley-D. Meet

MOT Harley Davidson OnLAround a hundred Harley Davidson enthusiasts rode into Plaza de España in Motril, to be greeted by the Mayor, García Chamorro, before being taken hostage… Just joking!

The bikers, who took part in this 7th annual Toro Run bike meet, were of many nationalities, although of a mainly German foreign contingent. The event was organized by the German-run Hotel Robinson.

Motril was just one stop in the tour of the Costa Tropical and the Alpujarra, also taking in the provincial capital… and that’s just the Granada side of it, because they also ventured in the provinces of Málaga and Almería.

The reason for this inter-provincial tour is to whip up some enthusiasm from bike clubs in those two provinces to come to Motril and meet up with their Central-European counterparts.

The visiting bikers were staying at the Hotel Robinson on Playa Granada between the 15th and 22nd, using it as a base. Hotel manager Eric Schumann is a happy bunny with his leather-clad guests – their first guests of this new season.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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