Minutes before midday on the 6th a fire broke out in a field next to the two schools in Salobreña. Consequently, the secondary school, IES Nazarí and the primary school, CP Segalvina, were evacuated.
The Mayor arrived in person to direct the firemen, municipal police and the protección civil, although they no doubt would have got on just as well without him.
The schoolchildren were evacuated because parents were alarmed by the amount of smoke generated by the burning sugar cane, although at no point were the buildings in danger.
The Mayor called on local landowners to be more careful when lighting bonfires to burn off cuttings, and to keep to the established times for carrying out this task.
The Guardia Civil also arrived and are at present investigating how the fire started and whether it was intentional or not.
(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)