What could the World Section be without a damn good fake penis story? Well, in this case, it’s the story of Devis Licciardi, an Italian athlete, who is part of the Italian air force team, who tried to beat a doping test by using a fake penis, through which ‘clean’ urine is passed. Obviously the fake penis is attached to a plastic bag containing the said urine.
The 27-year-old had just completed a 10km road race in Molfetta, southern Italy and told the doping control doctor that he wanted to ‘urinate alone.’ This request was refused and the doctor saw the fake penis and bag in Licciardi’s underwear.
Licciardi will now be questioned by Olympic officials in Rome and he will face a long ban if found guilty… which at 27-years-old, could be a career ending length of time.
“Invesigations have begun and Devis Licciardi will appear before the anti-doping disciplinary board,” said a spokesperson for the National Olympic Committee.
Just in case you are looking for a nice new fake penis and urine bag attachment… we are reliably informed they are readily available via the Internet.