Noisy Speed Bumps?

If you have driven around Almuñécar, then you will have passed over the double speed bumps in La Carrera; i.e., at the top of town between where the fountain is and where the municipal-market street emerges.

The problem is, according to the CA, that locals can’t sleep for the sound of vehicles bumping over them all night. In fact, on the 10th of July, 2012, an association of apartment owners in the blocks above Bar El Cactus, submitted a written complaint to the Town Hall,  about the “acoustic contamination” produced.

Nine months have gone by, reports the CA press release, and the Mayor “hasn’t bothered to even reply,” rounding off the point with the caustic observation, “She’s probably too busy organizing fiestas and cooking up the municipal market affair.”

Politics aside, these speed bumps are probably the most hated obstructions suffered by vehicle drivers, as no matter how slowly you drive, you jolt your suspension. The fact is that moped riders – the worse offenders for racing down that road, merely side-step them by keeping to the curb – are not discouraged by them, whilst delivery vans rattle their loads trying to get over them.

At the Seaside Gazette, we don’t give a damn which party is proposing that they be removed and what their motives might be for it; we simply agree that they should go.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)