Infrastructure Improvements in La Contraviesa

La Mancomunidad de la Costa Tropical is going to spend 382,000 euros on different improvement projects to existing water mains, storm-drains & sewage-system networks in Albodón, Rubite and Sorvilán in the Contraviesa area.

The Chairman of the Mancomunidad, José García Fuentes, travelled to the Contraviesa to meet with the mayors of Albodón, Juan José Castillo (PSOE), Rubite, Arsenio Vázquez (PSOE), and Sorvilán, Martías Rodríguez (PSOE).

The subject discussed was the Ciclo Integral de Agua, which will be carried out in these three towns in the coming years. The Albodón town centre for example will see 168.000 euros spent on overhauling the water system, including work in Los Vázquez. In Rubite, 63.000 euros will be spent on improvements to the water mains, and in Sorvilán a further 151.000 euros will be similarly spent

The Chairman of the Mancomunidad says that it is essential to make these improvements because it will mean a long-term saving in energy, as well an improvement in quality thanks to better materials, thus eliminating leaks and general water loss. He also pointed out that it will generate employment where the work will be carried out.

The Mayor of Albondón, Juan José Castillo, asked for the inclusion of the cortijadas (hamlets) in the Contraviesa to be included within the Ciclo Integral de Agua to be studied.

All involved took the opportunity to nip into Bodegas Cuatro Vientos for a wine or two and the Chairman of the Mancomunidad magnanimously commented in the visitors book “Bodegas Cuatro Vientos Costa Tropical cultural heritage.”

(News: Eastern Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)