A 30-year-old man from Las Gabias either lost or had it stolen, his precious iPad, together with his identity documents.
Tag Archive for iPad
by David Darby •
Still in China, but with a rather disturbing story whereby five people have been charged with illegal organ trading after a teenager who was desperate to have the latest iPhone and iPad ended up selling his kidney.
The sad young chap by the name of Wang was paid 3,500 US dollars for his organ, he is just 17-years-old and lives with his family in Anhui, which is one of China’s poorest regions.
Nerja Audio Guide
by Martin Myall •
The mobile-phone application that you can download for your iPhone or iPad appears to be selling like hot cakes, according to the Councillor for Tourism, Bernardo Pozuelo, who has just issued a report on this very useful electronic guide for Nerja