Tag Archive for EC

Tolls on Autovías?

It’s a sensitive time to announce that you will have to start paying for using autovías, so close to the General Elections, which is why Madrid back peddled.

Gas Price Capped

Starting from the 14th of this month the price of electricty will begin to come down as the EU has given the green light to put a cap on gas.

A Waste of Time

Today spring enters our lives with the equinox and with it the day that the clocks change – yet again – for summer time approaches; i.e. the 27th of March.

EU on Mask IVA in Spain

The claim made by the Spanish Government last weekend that the EU would not let it lower the IVA on masks caused surprise in Brussels and provoked a response.

Spain Has a Problem…

One amongst several, of course, but a rather big one: its ceiling for expenditure is 133,259m euros for 2014 but its tax system is not working. You see, although Spain has one of the highest tax rates in the European Union, it actually brings in less than most.