A woman in her mid 50s was killed when her scalf became entangled in a sorting, conveyor belt.
This accident took place in El Campillo in the Andalusian province of Huelva. The emergency coordination centre 112 received an alert around 07.30h Thursday morning, asking for medical assistance.

They imediately despatched an ambulance and the local fire service – the latter was not needed. As for the paramedics, there was nothing that they could do for the unfortunate, 55-year-old victim and consequently, the Guardia Civil have activated the workplace-accident protocol.
Because this was a death work-place accident, the Trabajo y al Centro de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, will be investigating the accident.
(News: El Campillo, Huelva, Andalucia)
Keywords: Woman, Died, Scarf Snagged on Coveyor Belt, Fire Service, Ambulance, Paramedics
news, andalucia, huelva, el campillo, woman, died, scarf snagged on coveyor belt, fire service, ambulance, paramedics