Axarquía Air Show

Yesterday was the big day in Torre del Mar for their annual airshow with 40 aircraft participating.

AXA Swiss Air Display F-5sThe total number of spectators did not disappoint the expectation because over 300,000 people attended the airshow.

Military aircraft from Switerland and world-champion, aerobatic pilots delighted the crowds. The Guardia Civil and Policía Nacional showed off their helicopters and aeroplanes.

Spectators watched the sky and chiringuitos owners watched their tills filling because that many people on the beach was very, very good for businesses.

In fact, the Town Hall caluculated that the airshow brought about 3,000,000 euros into this Axarquía coastal town.

(News/Noticias: Torre del Mar, Axarquia, Costa del Sol, Malaga, Andalucia)

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