Almuñécar Hotel Licence Review

ALM unfinished 5 starIn the recent Plenary Meeting of the Almuñécar Town Council the public holidays for 2018 were settled, as well as a closer look at an existing hotel licence.

Next year, San José (19th March) will be an official bank holiday – it already is for La Herradura as it is the village patron saint. And of course, San José is Fathers’ Day in Spain… and the name for one out of three Spaniards, including women.

The other official bank holiday will be the 25th of June – the night of the 23rd is San Juan, when bonfires are lit all over the country, especially on beaches as it marks the summer solstice.

But it wasn’t all smiles, congratulatory back slapping and farting cushions at the meeting because the socialist opposition party had demanded that the Mayor give explanations concerning the Todo Cultura scandal, which affects her party and its coalition partners.

The Mayor, reluctantly, perhaps, explained where the situation was, judicially, and what she was doing to handle the situation. The socialist party leader, Sergio García Alabarce, took the chance to read out loud every detail of how the scandal had developed from its origins, whilst the United Left leader, Fermin Tejero, announced that they considered that the scandal was the result of privatising public municipal services.

Lastly, Luis Aragon from Mas Almuñécar (coalition partner) berated the socialist leader attempting to carry out a parallel trial using the Plenary Meeting. The socialist replied that he had limited himself to simply reading out municipal reports from the Town Hall.

Anyway, all that fizzled out and no doubt everybody thought that their individual intervention had been brilliant, crucial and scathing, despite the fidgeting and yawning coming from the members of the public present.

Which brings us to the above-mentioned hotel licence. A proposal to review the licence of Gran Hotel Cortijo de Andalucía was unanimously approved. This is the 5-star hotel in Cercado de la Santa Cruz that is virtually finished but has been dead in the water for years.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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