Councillor Olga Ruano, Head of the Almuñécar Cultural Department, announced that Granada University would be giving talks on the Solar System at the Casa de la Cultura.
Throughout the academic year of 2015/2016 the university’s Science Faculty would be giving the said talks at the Casa de la Cultura, every month, starting in October (23rd) with The Sun, Our Star with Jorge Jiménez Vicente.
On the 27th of November, Professor Tomás Ruiz Lara will speak on the Formation of the Solar System with the following talk in January on Life in the Solar System; that’s the 29th and the talk will be given by Eduardo Battaner López.
There will also be talks on the 19th of February, March the 11th and April the 15th on Solar System Planets and Exoplanets; The Confines of the of the Solar System and The Death of the Sun, respectively.
Sounds very interesting, although finishing the conferences of The Death of the Sun, is just a touch final…
Anyway, hopefully we will receive the starting time for the each conference before that occurs.
(News/Culture: Almuñecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)