Botellones on the Altillo

The nightlife around the Bajos (under the Paseo del Altillo), whilst being very popular, probably doesn’t translate into elevated earnings for the bars along there, thanks to the nightly botellones; i.e., bring-your-own booze, open air parties.

Not only is it noisy right up until around 8am, but also, the mess left is incredible and the stench of stale urine behind the beach wall is long present.

Having said that, the cleaning crew, who start very early in the morning, perform the daily miracle of cleaning up the battleground, making it presentable to daytime tourism and the promenade strollers in particular.

The Policía Local have made half-hearted attempts at curtailing these nightly attritions, but in general appear to prefer going for easier targets, as opposed to the people of their own age that basically tell them to get on their bike (go away). Seeing as the taxes being paid by these bar owners are paying the salaries of these gentlemen, perhaps something more energetic might come from that quarter.

Whilst the price of a long-drink at any one of these establishments is enough to make you choke on one, this is their livelihood and it is being systematically undermined… and overlooked by the very people who are paid to do something about it.
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