My wife and her friend decided to go to the Ascot Ladies Day at The Hideaway, and even entered the ‘hat competition.’ What a brilliant event it turned out to be, with loads of people turning up, all dressed for the races, and the best hat was voted on by everyone, with the winner, shown here Kirstin Oxborrow, for her innovative use of a childs rubber ring, toilet roll and a local plant.
However, it must be pointed out that all the ladies looked absolutely brilliant, and although I couldn’t stay and see all the fun, my wife told me later it really was entertaining.
Jenette also tells me that the coffee morning (which I came away from bearing three kinds of cake!) was also a success and raised nearly 150 euros in aid of abandoned animals.
All in all, a really good month… well done The Hideaway, and it just goes to show what a close village we are, with such events, and not a hint of bad feeling or bitterness… we should all be very proud.