Officers from the Motril Policía Local issued a report on the weekend of the 19th to the 21st of July, putting emphasis on crack-downs on botellones.
Before we go any further, a botellón is basically an open-air, bottle party and in the summer they abound despite their being illegal because of the mess they leave and the disturbance caused to locals trying to get some sleep.
According to the police report, they received almost a score of irate calls from people living in the beach areas of Motril, complaining about noisey gatherings during the night on Playa Granada.
The report also includes all the patrols and check points that they had set up to counter this kind of anti-social behaviour and others.
The Vice-Mayor/Councillor for Citizen Safety; i.e. the civilian head of the local police force, José Peña, has called upon residents to collaborate with the police in order to stop this sort of illegal activity taking place.
He also pointed out that they are doing spot checks on mopeds & scooters, etc to check that they have regulation silencers which have not be ‘customised.’ Three riders were fined this same weekend.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)