Tag Archive for urban development

Disappearing Green Areas?

According to the local branch of the opposition party in Almuñécar, PSOE, the ruling party (PP) completely ignored the wishes of Los Herradureños in a Plenary Meeting of the Town Council.

All You Need To Know

There is a very important event coming up on the 16th in Motril, where you wil have the chance to ask people in-the-know about what is going on urban-development wise, in Motril.

Curumbico & Delta

Almuñécar Town Hall says that it is going to do something about the urbanizaciones built in the 90s without being connected to the municipal sewage system.

PGOU Viewing Extended

The passage of the Almuñécar PGOU is going anything but smoothly, which is why, perhaps, the period for viewing has been extended to the 3rd of January.