Officers belonging to the Policía Nacional arrested a minor in the province of Sevilla, thought to have intentions of carrying out a terrorist attack.
A 16-year-old girl was injured when a 10-year-old ficus tree in the Plaza de Santo Domingo in Murcia literally collapse around her. The fallen boughs and branches weighed around 12 tonnes.
A young girl of 14 fell from a 5th-floor window, trying to escape using knotted sheets. Her state is critical.
Young teenagers do incredibly stupid things on mopeds, but one lad in particular had a 5-year-old on his handlebars when the police spotted him.
Soon after the tragic death of an English woman losing her life whilst bungee jumping from a bridge near Lanjaron, A 17-year-old Dutch girl was killed on a jump from a bridge in the north of Spain.