Tag Archive for social security

Seguridad Social Moves

The transfer from the old Seguridad-Social offices in Motril to the new building on the Ronda Sur has commenced. The Ronda Sur is the road that connects the Al Campo roundabout to the port road.

It’s Official

Anybody who has lived here since the Peseta days will have had the impression that things have become much more expensive since the Euro came in – well, it’s not just an impression, because according to a study carried out by the major Spanish bank, BBVA, prices have risen by a stunning 45% since 1999, which was when the Euro came in here.

MW Services

If you need help with relocation to Spain, the team at MW Services in Almuñécar can assist with all your needs. The professional duo, Poul Westergaard and Maria Luisa Morón Garcia, offer professional solutions when it comes to an almost endless list of services…

Illegal Expats

I read with interest Ducan Inglis’s comments on the Spanish economy, it got me wondering if things would be better if working guiris paid their way; very few working expats work legally, not paying social security, income tax and avoiding paying IVA.