Tag Archive for search

Bather Goes Missing

Maritime Rescue and the Guardia Civil participated in a search Sunday afternoon looking for a woman who swam out from a Fuengirola beach and hasn’t been seen since.

The Missing Man

Over a month has passed since the 78-year-old man went missing in Almuñécar but the family wants to the police to dedicated more resources to finding him.

Our Weather Page

We’ve overhauled the weather page by switching the source from El Tiempo.es to the official Spanish meteorological agency AEMET.

Search Called Off

The search operation launched to find Iván Montiel, who disappeared in Nigüelas last Monday, has been called off after covering a search area of 3,000 hectares.

Search Area Extended

This morning there was no longer a Guardia Civil tent in the parking area at the entrance to Nigüelas but we did managed to speak with two officers in a patrol car.

Missing Nigüelas Man

This morning I spoke with the Guardia Civil officer in charge of the hunt for the missing man, who has now spent two nights without being located.

Big Cat Hunt

A Guardia Civil, Seprona patrol from Algerciras is trying to track down a “feline of large dimensions,” or if you prefer, a sod-off moggy.