Tag Archive for sand

Tractors on Motril Beach

‘The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh Away’ and the same can be said about the sea off Motril, except that it’s doing little ‘giveth’ and plenty of ‘taketh away.’

Funds for Castigated Coast

The regional representative of the Central Government, Antonio Sanz, announced that Madrid would be spending nearly 47m euros on coastal repairs. As for the Costa Tropical, it will receive 1,120,000 euros of the above sum – the majority of the 46.670,000 euros is going to the more badly hit coastlines of Huelva and Cádiz. The…

Slag for Scrap Scam

Whilst the Chinese sent a train loaded with 40 freight containers to Madrid, a group of Spaniards were not so honest with their freight-container delivery to Hong Kong.