The Mayor of Almuñécar, Juan José Ruiz Joya, has criticised the Central Government for throwing money away on regenerating beaches.
Tag Archive for sand
New Sand for Almuñécar Beaches
by Hugh MacArthur •
No Almuñécar Beach Repairs
by Martin Myall •
Tractors on Motril Beach
by Martin Myall •
Hands off our Sand!
by Hugh MacArthur •
Funds for Castigated Coast
by Martin Myall •

The regional representative of the Central Government, Antonio Sanz, announced that Madrid would be spending nearly 47m euros on coastal repairs. As for the Costa Tropical, it will receive 1,120,000 euros of the above sum – the majority of the 46.670,000 euros is going to the more badly hit coastlines of Huelva and Cádiz. The…
Almuñécar Beach Regeneration
by Vivienne Hughes •
Hurried work is being carried out Cotobro’s beach to get a sandy surface in place for Semana Santa. Work continues on the Fuente Piedra breakwater, too.
Spilt Oil Causes Accidents
by Hugh MacArthur •
Two accidents were the result of spilt oil on the road surface at the bottom end of Calle Guadix in Almuñécar, where it meets San Cristóbal, as well as further up the street.
Castell Beach Repairs
by Martin Myall •
The spring gales at the beginning of the month ate away a good part of the Castell del Ferro beach, (Playa del Sotillo) on the Punta del Rincón.
Slag for Scrap Scam
by Martin Myall •
Whilst the Chinese sent a train loaded with 40 freight containers to Madrid, a group of Spaniards were not so honest with their freight-container delivery to Hong Kong.