Tag Archive for riot police

Vox Goes Too Far?

All major unions for the Spanish police forces have bitten back at the extreme-right party Vox over their criticism of the riot police.

Investiture Today

The Minister of the Interior has deployed 1,400 police officers for tomorrow’s voting in the Spanish Parliament to elect a Prime Minister.

What a Bloody Mess!

There is no doubt about it; the Catalan independence movement won the PR war yesterday, thanks to scenes of riot police laying into people trying to vote.

Best Not Annoy The Firemen

So there were the riot police in Burgos, skipping, gleefully behind fleeing protesters when they came across some firemen… These sturdy gentlemen were very busy indeed, trying to put out a blazing rubbish hopper.

War on Protest

The Central Government intends to pass a new law, Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana, which makes it a serious offense to demonstrate outside the Spanish Parliament without requesting permission or with permission denied.