Seprona (Guardia Civil) arrested the owner of a meat wholesaler in the Juncaril trading estate in Albolote for selling on badly stored meat products.
The Head of the Public Health Board of the Regional Government for Valencia has reversed a prohibition on cremating obese bodies.
The opposition party in Motril, the PP, claims that it has received complaints from the health-worker unions over the ‘deficient state’ in the public health sector on the Costa Tropical.
It sounds like a football match but it is in fact a showdown between the Junta de Andalucia and the Central Government.
Last Sunday, the 22nd of September saw a large group of cyclists participating in the La Ciudad, Sin Mi Coche campaign.
World-famous, Spanish tennis player, Rafa Nadal, snubbed the Minister of Public Health, Ana Mato at the US Open in New York.
The Andalusian health service, SAS, spent two million euros treating foreigners, either residents or tourists, during 2010 in Granada alone. Mind you, they passed it on to the private insurance companies or the countries of origin of these patients.
Motril’s Santa Ana Hospital has begun to give patients bills in which are detailed the costs of the services provided. It is informative only, that is, the user doesn’t have to pay the bill, but its purpose is clear enough: to remind people that Social Security is not free, that, in fact, it’s incredibly expensive.