Tag Archive for politics

Things Happen

Finland has made a new world record. Mrs. Margit Tall, a daredevil lady of 95 is thought to be the world’s oldest woman to bungee jump. She made an old wish come through, after ignoring the organiser’s warning that the leap could kill her. She just went to the jumping site at Kaivopuisto in Helsinki, and asked whether there was an age limit. “We thought she was joking”, one of the organizers said.

Benny = Marmite

Let’s try and simplify things a little. You’ve all heard of the ex-Mayor, of Almuñécar, Juan Carlos Benavides, commonly known amongst the English speaking population of the area as simply ‘Benny’.

End of the World Finally

The infamous and utterly misunderstood Mayan calendar, according to some, has it that we will all go poof in a cloud of cosmic debris on December the 21st, 2012. While quite complicated, and conflicted owing to scientific analysis and other discoveries, the prediction, should it prove true, might be a blessing as 2013, at least for Spain, looks to be an even harsher year than 2012 will turn out to be. Will anyone be saved?

Long (distance) Runner?!

Although it is only weeks since the scandal broke over our President’s bearings, it slowly starts to feel like years. Under every pebble lurks a new ‘scandal’ and I can’t help but think, that there are a lot of people out there who follow their own agendas even if it is only higher sales figures or ratings. Saying that the ongoing controversy partly is his fault, too; bad management – admitting news only after it breaks does not appear very trustworthy.

Rich Pickings

In October the news was coming in like machine-gun fire, quite different to the last few months: for example 55 billion Euros was found in a state supported bank – ongoing accounting errors reported assets as losses.

Stand-Up Stan’s View – Just a Bit of Fun!

Rajoy has dyed hair on top and a grey beard, so the top of his head is 35 years old, while his chin is at least 72 years old.
Rubalcaba is completely bald with a grey beard and therefore looks like his head is on upside-down.
Winner = Painted Roof. Loser = Mr. Potato Head.
It was so much simpler when you only had to think of Mr. Bean and you immediately had an image of the Spanish Prime Minister.

Data and Dosh

To pass a comment is difficult, when others don’t provoke it, so from my point of view it was a dull month for the German corner. But if I would have to award a prize, it would have to go to the conservative Christian Social Union of Bavaria, which is the only federal state without a branch of Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union.

Interview: Juan Carlos Benavides (Mayor)

TSG: Last month there was lots of ‘turbulence’, so what we would like to do is put over your take on things.
JCB: OK, let’s go
TSG: There were many people that didn’t agree – did not understand why – the road works on the Avenida de Andalucía had to start just before Semana Santa. We put in last months Gazette that we had spoken with the Town Hall engineer who said that Almuñécar was tied to a start date as far as the grant was concerned. Could you add anything to this?