Almuñécar Plan General de Ordenación Urbana (PGOU) is like garlic; it keeps coming back on you, and this is the case with the latest announcement by the Mayor, Juan Jose Ruiz Joya.
The mayor of Almuñécar, Juanjo Ruiz Joya at reports in the press that the Daia Slow Beach Hotel La Herradura will sit on land that could suffer from floods.
Ecologistas en Acción have sent a request to several administrations calling for the demolition of the structure that was to be a 7-star hotel in Almuñécar.
The Mayor Juan José Ruiz Joya, had a butcher’s (look) through the town’s population figures provided by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística… gleefully.
Almuñécar Town Hall faces yet another pay out owing to illegal urban development during the Benavides’ years as Mayor.