Almuñécar Town Hall is completing the final touches in preparation for the 25th Feria Gastronómica de Almuñécar which is taking place this weekend starting today
This year the Feria Gastronómica falls on the 7th, 8th and 9th of June which will have a special guest; from twinned, Italian city, D.O. de Vinos Cariñena.
The Feria de Stock, which was held in Majuelo Park this weekend past, had been due to last both days but heavy rain forecast for Sunday meant it was cut short.
early 50 clubs and associations will gather in Almuñécar’s Parque Majuelo on Saturday the 8th for the annual clubs fair.
We begin the month for our Looking Back section with an article about a shooting in Almuñécar’s Parque Majuelo. The actual shooting took place in March, but the arrests took place in June.
The annual gastronomic event in Almuñécar has come around again and will be held from the 31st of May to the 2nd of June in the Parque Majuelo.
Here are a few activities that will be taking place in Almuñécar between the 1st and the 14th of September, both in the Parque Majuelo and the Roman aqueduct pit.