Tag Archive for parking fines

Parking Rebels

The ban on parking on the edge of the beach on Playa Poniente is resulting in a clash between administrations and skirmishes with rebel parkers.

Over-zealous Policemen?

The Torrox Police Station is investigating two policemen over fines that they had placed on parked cars. Apparently, that is not their job. The two policemen; the head of the barrio police and a policeman belonging to that unit, put fines on 16 cars on the 1st of May. The cars were parked in the…

40,000 More!

Los Motrileños can’t believe it… and they’re not happy: 14,000 traffic fines out of the blue from 2010 and 2011, as we mentioned in a previous article.

Parking Fines on La Herradura Beach

Hello, Reading the gazette yesterday there was a slight wry amusement about the article on page 57 (concerning parking fines on La Herradura beach). Not so smiling now that I have received a “to-be-signed-for” denuncia from Motril. This morning I was told by Knight’s in Nerja that the same thing is happening down there. Presumably…

Mayor Accused…

The IU has denounced the Mayor for ‘removing’ parking fines against his councillors. Local IU leader, Fermín Tejero, claims that one of the councillors that had a traffic fine ‘annulled’ was the Councillor for Traffic, María Dolores Sánchez.