Tag Archive for nudist

Unforgivable Writings

As can be seen in the photo, somebody thought it a great idea to use spray paint to write in large letters: Playa Nudista. Respeten, down on Catarriján Beach.

Bare & Bold

The streaker who gate crashed an important football match in Granada, not only targeted high schools in his birthday suit, but also scaled the facade of the High Court.

Seven Star Hotel Project

The following is a letter from a concerned resident of Punta de la Mona, La Herradura, about the proposed ‘Seven Star Hotel Project’ and the potential impact the project would have on the local community and coastline:

Playa Cantarrijan

This summer saw a record number of visitors on one of the Costa Tropical’s most popular nudist beaches, Playa Cantarrijan, within the sub-municipal boundaries of La Herradura.