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Fibrinolysis for Heart Attack Victims

The Almunecar medical facilities, which are included within the Southern Granada Health Management Area, will now have fibrinolysis available in its Unidad de Cuidados Criticos y Urgencias.

Almunecar PGOU Restart

The conservative (PP) Mayoress of Almunecar, Trinidad Herrera, has announced that her new administration will begin pushing the stalled PGOU for its final approval from the Junta de Andalucia.

Playa Parking Problems

We often report on the parking problems that Almunecar has, but Motril has a parking problem where it hurts most – on its beaches; finding somewhere to park on Playa Granada is a nightmare.

Bad Day for Mum

(Santa Fe/Granada) Little did Manuela Cordoba suspect, when she left her home in the morning, that by midday she would be mistaken for a bank robber and her son’s toy pistol confiscated…
She was fined 100 euros and had her driving licence confiscated… but we’re getting ahead of ourselves, so let’s start at the beginning.

Young Car Thief Nabbed

The Policia Nacional in Motril has arrested a 16-year-old lad in connection with more than a dozen break-ins carried out on parked cars in Torrenueva.

Beach Umbrella War Abates

Six years ago, Benavides declared war on the Granadinos over beach umbrellas – there was no problem with people using them for what they were intended; the problem was they were being used to stake out a spot on the beach for later use.

Model Aircraft Competition

Around a dozen participants got together in the municipal sports stadium on the 15th to take part in the model-aircraft display, which was organised by the Funfly Aeromodelismo club.

La Herradura On Track

The village of La Herradura has many miles, tracks and dry riverbeds spread through the village centre, housing estates and rural areas, all of which need continuous maintenance, especially after the investment of municipal funds and the help and support of the Construction Planning and Deputation department of the local government to get a good many of roads and tracks asphalted.

Wind-Powered Electricity Generators

The wind farm on the way to Lujar from Granada is generating a bit of controversy as well as electricity, it seems. The ecologist association, Buxus has denounced two of these impressive windmills – or ‘aero-generators’ as they are known in Spanish – for lacking the relevant relevant environmental controls.

Spam Scam Parking Ticket

Internet users in Spain are receiving mysterious NYK parking fines. New York State Police are warning people of yet another fake parking ticket scam. The state’s computer crimes unit says a spam message is popping up in people’s email in-boxes, claiming to be a traffic ticket.