Tag Archive for meeting

Next RNA Meeting

This just to remind you all that the meeting on Tuesday will be at Restaurant Rincon de Peña Parda at the usual time of 1300. I need to tell them how many will be taking the menu del dia (menu as shown at last meeting). So, can you please let me know

Torrecuevas Rambla

I went along to the meeting in Torrecuevas, which had been convoked by the locals over the state of the rambla; i.e., the riverbed track that gives access to the cortijos above, all the way up to Gelibra.

Royal Naval Association

The RNA held its July meeting where it was announced that there would be no August one, with the next scheduled monthly meeting taking place on the 14th of September at 13.00h in the Argentina Steakhouse in Velilla.

Silly Suggestion?

There are few times that our dear politicians – and our local ones are no exception – get together and agree on something. When they do, it normally entails pay rises for themselves.