Tag Archive for MD

What Happened to the Plague?

But considering the Ebola hype, what really happened to the plague? The only disease mankind has been able to eradicate is smallpox, although the virus is still being stored in high security laboratories – in case one needs it!

War on Carbs

Low-carbohydrate diets are increasingly popular, but concerns have arisen that such diets, compared with traditional low-fat diets might have adverse cardiovascular consequences.

Emerging Diseases

Whilst it is inevitable that new infectious illnesses emerge all the time, mankind does its share to spread them more rapidly with its modern means of transport like the examples above teach us. But apart from that we have to prepare for known illnesses emerging in new populations because of the illness travelling itself. The African West Nile Virus is believed to have been spread nearly all over the world via an infected bird or mosquito entering the United States less than two decades ago. It mainly infects birds and kills them. It causes severe illness in humans, most patients however recover eventually.

Nanny Versus Nano

Medicine has advanced since and quietly keeps advancing. And maybe, we will witness the moment when not the nanny but the nano makes us help the medicine go down.
An exciting technology is emerging, offering possibilities as diverse as radiation does and medicine has discovered it, too. Nanotechnology works in dimensions which are hardly imaginable for us – matter no bigger than the size of 400 hydrogen atoms (the smallest atom).

No-Food for Thought

Food is a potent inducer of metabolic responses (and pleasure ). Specific nutrients enhance muscle action, while others boost appetite or modulate inflammatory responses. On the other hand, caloric restriction under normal conditions ( 20 to 40 % fewer calories than required ) has been shown to protect against the development of chronic diseases. ( To highlight this : there was hardly any diabetes or gout in post-war Germany ) Exploiting the differential effects of food or its absence during disease may be one strategy to enhance the efficacy of drug therapies.

Extremes In Medicine

Medicine, or let’s say the functioning and malfunctioning of human bodies and minds still remains fascinating for me. There is more to it than cholesterol, blood pressure, PSA and mammography; it’s like an old chest in the attic.