Tag Archive for marianne

Back south

Here up North the ground is covered by yellow, brown and orange leaves, and the branches of birch, rowan, aspen and alder look naked and ascetic against the grey sky.

Tropical Weather & Football Thougths

July in the Nordic countries has been exceptional, with tropical temperatures around 26-30 for almost two weeks now. The hot weather has brought thunder storms in its wake. On golf courses in central Finland, where the thunder storms have been extremely severe, one person died and one was injured after having been struck by lightning. The unfortunate deadly accident occurred when the victim, a pensioner, interrupted the game because of the heavy rain. He was returning to the club house pushing his golf trolley, when a lightning bolt struck the trolley and he fell lifeless to the ground. There were no thunder storm clouds visible. The lightning seemed to strike from an ordinary cumulus cloud. Death was immediate, and attempts to revive him proved hopeless.

D-Day & Royal Events

On June 6, World leaders gathered in Normandy, France, to mark the 70th anniversary of D-Day, the day of the Normandy landings, initiating the Western allied effort to liberate mainland Europe from Nazi occupation during World War II. Normandy was the scene of strong emotions during the first week of June as the dramatic events of 1944 were remembered.

Looking Back…

From a global point of view, 2013 will go to history as a rather gloomy year. The economic recession worsened during the year, with unemployment and poverty in its wake. Youth unemployment reached new records. The devastating hurricanes, inundations and landslides in Southeast Asia and the Caribbean will go to history. Corruption has continued to flourish in most parts of the world. Tragic high speed train and bus crashes with hundreds of victims were reported.

Midsummer – July Nordic Column

Some Nordic summertime thoughts taken from our July edition and written by Marianne Lindahl.
We celebrate Midsummer Eve in our summer cottage in the Finnish archipelago. The vegetable garden has been sown for the summer’s harvest with potato, salad, beans, onions, peas, chives and last but not least, the dill for our ‘gravlax’ the marinated salmon Scandinavian style. Geraniums in their boxes are bright red against the sheer greenery of birches and scrubs. Lilies of the valley and lilac branches decorate the tables of our cabin.

Good News

In this world of political and economic turmoil, it is very rare to hear something positive in the media. But at seven o’clock in the morning on Thursday February 23rd, while having our coffee and croissants, we heard some wonderful news on the television. A girl had been born to Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel.

Nordic Viewpoint

I would guess that more than 1000 people, mostly seniors, from the Nordic countries spend from 2-8 months in Almuñécar every year, enjoying the tropical climate, healthy food, good wine and friendly atmosphere that the town has to offer.

Nordic View

Autumn is Here

The older you get, the faster time flies. The signs of autumn are beginning to show here up North. The days are shorter, it is raining a lot, the forests are full of lingonberries and mushrooms and the elk hunt started today 24.9.