Tag Archive for Lecrin

Covid Figures Tuesday 21st

The number of municipalities that have reported cases has increased from 96 to 119. All those that have had zero cases in the last 14 days have been omitted from below.

Weekly Covid Update

The figures published today by the Department of Health for the Junta clearly show an increment in contagion indicators with hospital cases increasing.

Scorchio Weekend Ahoy

Well, after a sweaty Tuesday this week followed by a slight drop in temperatures, this weekend will be the first heatwave for summer 2021 in the province of Granada.

Woo Hoo Level Two!

Despite the doom and gloom announcements made by the Junta, most of Costa Tropical and La Alpujarra Granadina have dropped to Level Two, according to the BOJA published yesterday afternoon.

How We’re Doing…

Rather than printing the complete table including all the municipalities of Granada with their contagion rate, we have decided to just print the towns affected by restrictions.