Tag Archive for kelibia

Tree Felling Boob

In the race to get Plaza Kelibia in Almuñécar finished for Semana Santa it appears that the Town Hall bypassed necessary steps, which the CA has been quick to denounce.

Kelibia Square Works

According to a Almuñécar Town Hall, press release, Plaza Kelibia hasn’t undergone an integral revamping in 25 years, although it doesn’t seem longer than ten since the last time work was being carried out, changing the paving etc – perhaps memories play tricks.

Palm Trees Cut Down

As part of the renovation work on Almuñécar’s Plaza Kelibia, the palm trees that graced the square have been cut down, rather than removed for replanting. This action has been criticised by the chief opposition party, the CA. According to the CA, some of the trees were over 10m in height and were very representative…

Locals’ Opinions Needed

With the imminent remodeling of the Kelibia Square, the almuñécar branch of Izquierda Unida had the following observation to make: “The layout of public space cannot be let up to private companies, which is why it is a mistake not to count on the locals,” stated the IU Spokesman, Fermín Tejero.