Tag Archive for jenette

Hideaway News

Just a quick mention for The Hideaway bar, which will be having a Wii bowling night on Thursday 11th February, with tapas on the night and prizes to be won. If you don’t know what Wii bowling is, then go along anyway and find out, honestly, it’s really good fun!

Hideaway News

The lovely Jenette at The Hideaway told me they are having a Quiz Night on the 14th of this month, with teams of four, buffet, prizes and even a raffle. But make sure you register your team in advance!

The Hideaway

There’s always a nice friendly buzz about The Hideaway, and if you are visiting the area it really should be one of your regular haunts. Why? Well, because Jenette and her team do cracking breakfasts, snacks, lunches and afternoon teas.
Add to that their summer drinks special of a house spirit and mixer for just €2.80 and a pint of beer for €2.50, it makes sense!
They have Sky Sports coverage on widescreen TV so you don’t miss any of the new season footie updates.

Hideaway Helping Hand

I just happened to be having a very quick bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee in The Hideaway, and whilst chatting to Jenette, she mentioned that they are hosting a Charity Coffee Morning on Friday 12th June from 12.00 in aid of abandoned animals.