The inhabitants of Paiporta poured out their emotion in the form of anger during the King’s visit, together with the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez and the Prime Minister of the Autonomous Region of Valencia (Generalitat) Carlos Mazón.
We now have the details about what actually happened to the Mayor of Salobreña.
In the town of Escúzar (Granada), a political skirmish took place on the Internet on a forum where a contributor called Nopolítico was laying into the Mayor prior to the municipal elections, and then against the same man after losing office and now as a PP councillor, Manuel Alférez Bonilla.
There seems to be a growing trend of interrupting religious services at churches and what follows is just one more case of this. A man stripped off his clothes at the altar and launched a tirade of invectives against the congregation.
Dave and Arlene Nichols provide another combined Anglo-American musings: Dave on humour differences and Arlene on how the Royal Wedding is seen in the States