Tag Archive for Humour

Fishy Beauty Contest – Wonky World

China has held the world’s very first beauty contest for goldfish, casting aside the need for swimsuits and high-heels, but still requiring a certain amount of even security to protect the contestants from the Sushi Bar owners.

Karaoke Killer – Wonky World

There are quite a few people who dislike karaoke with a passion, however, that hatred of listening to awful renditions of beautiful songs does not usually run to murder, but it has been known.

End of the World Finally

The infamous and utterly misunderstood Mayan calendar, according to some, has it that we will all go poof in a cloud of cosmic debris on December the 21st, 2012. While quite complicated, and conflicted owing to scientific analysis and other discoveries, the prediction, should it prove true, might be a blessing as 2013, at least for Spain, looks to be an even harsher year than 2012 will turn out to be. Will anyone be saved?

Hendersonville Hangs Out

We had a mild invasion of American tourists from the twinned US town of Hendersonville, North Carolina, fulfilling the US Mayor’s promise to ship ’em over to meet European Mexicans in their original habitat.

Americana – April

Dave and Arlene Nichols provide another combined Anglo-American musings: Dave on humour differences and Arlene on how the Royal Wedding is seen in the States