Tag Archive for gazette

Welcome to 2021!

A Happy New Year to all our readers from all of us that help to produce the Seaside Gazette paper edition and this online version.

September PDF for Downloading

First of all, we apologise for the late appearance of the September PDF. This is due to Martin having been away in the UK and Dave being left holding the fort.

A Hopefully Happy New Year

The Christmas festivities started in unusually warm and sunny weather. We Nordics have had cosy celebrations with glögg parties, meeting friends and enjoying mulled wine and ginger cookies.


Flying is becoming a terrible ordeal. I don’t know whether this statement stems from advanced age or the fact that flying today really is one of the most terrible ordeals you can imagine.

What Can You Get For €10

Not a lot… especially in these economically difficult times. Unless, of course, you are a Seaside Gazette reader, in which case you can get a €10 voucher for a full year of Gazette PDF downloads!